Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday and little istanbul ( no constantinopole)

I can compete with Melissa blogs for pure idyll. I give up. Girl, gimme some of your junk!!!

So I'll provide the gutteral, the desperate, the undone, the fetid, and sometimes slightly putrid.

Last night we took the train to the largest Turkish market outside of Istanbul. It was fantastic - and despite the deluge, I loved it. Hot breads from the tandoor ( I cant remember the mid east name), fist-sized figs, feta and olives everywhere....and the whole time crazy turks yelling at you - both the irate middle aged shoppers with their carts, and the jovial tendors - selling me a grocery bag full of cherries for 2 euros.

Sorry to disappoint the lot of you, but the Humboldt foundation funds research in Germany. A bit tricky. Don't see how it can work with Kelowna looming imminent....

Feeling strangely settled in Berlin again. I do love the city. And when Im in a simple, easy routine (not underground - how I hate subways!), and in bed by nine, Im a regular Polyanna! Oh but such a fine line - !

Forgot to write about Tobias - didn't I? I had my hair done (it was TIME, you know?) and had the pleasure of Tobias attending my frisur. He was young and had a practised lisp. He was very lovely, with soft black curls, and a black scoop necked shirt. He spoke heavily accented English, which was punctuated with Tschussi! every time a colleague passed by. He was a vision, and to his credit managed to fit 48 foils on a crown highlight alone. Surely, a record somewhere.


  1. 48, Sounds divine!? I bought a 60 blossom peony bouquet for 20 bucks at the market today, heavenly. (just thought I'd squeeze in a brag).

  2. 48, Sounds divine!? I bought a 60 blossom peony bouquet for 20 bucks at the market today, heavenly. (just thought I'd squeeze in a brag).

  3. What are your plans? Greece? Germany fellowship again? back to Guelph? Kelowna? Banff? No idea where to expect or not expect you guys to be in the next two years or so.
