Saturday, July 5, 2008

Back home?

Berlin felt like the bosom of my long lost mother this evening - so rarely am I so glad to be anywhere.

Krakow knocked the stuffing out of us. I still can't quite figure out why it was so heinously horrific and demoralizing, but it was. We (I) were exhausted, depleted, polluted and frazzled. The pace was too hectic, the space was too small, and the food was too dodgy.

Poland, as a consequence (?), feels a bit depressing to me. I feel like I would be depressed to live there - it feels European, yes, but distinctly downtrodden, the poor relation. Germany, in contrast, is ultra new and modern. Unfair, and changing, surely. But still. THe buildings are all in such ill repair and layered in decades of filth. The trolleys look like they were chugging along before the war. There is little commerce. And the food is god awful - the antithesis of my palate: heavy, doughy, starchy and bland.

Today, on the way home, we stopped at a salt mine that has been operating since medieval times - we went down deep and walked for miles on salt.

I'm feeling lost and confused. Why am I dragging my girls all over hells half acre? Nem cries for Guelph daily.

Comment, dear readers! Connect me to the world. I feel like I've fallen down the rabbit hole.


  1. Dear Alice,

    I went to that mine!!! what town is it in again? I broke my camera and ran like a fool nearly missing the last bus outta that place too! Yes, I can totally visualize Poland. I bet most of Eastern Europe feels the same. A bit more of a survivial game for the locals. It shows in the people you meet who have immgirated from such countries. Peter is napping and the girls are all playing with the neighbors, and I'm buzzed on Starbucks--is that Canadian enough for you?

  2. The real world? What's real here is at last the temp during the day is a pleasant 25C. The police helicopter has been going up and down the river with something huge dangling by cables underneath it. Is it a heat sensor? Did yet another person jump in the river?

    Last weekend the police helicopter flew over several times shinning a huge spotlight. When it hit us, sitting on the deck, it was like daylight. Apparently they were looking for an arsonist that had set a house near the park on fire.
    Disgruntled former tenant.

    Thursday Chris and Anne came for a short visit and went home today with lots of cherries. We did have a great time.

    The little dog is quite a handful and is pretty well trained not to bark now. He even runs when we pick up the hose. It was terrible before...he even barked at boats going by on the river, not to mention the neighbours.

    Hope you get a good rest now that you're back in Berlin. Poland did sound interesting though!!!

  3. Had a garage sale today, Saskia and Henry split the profits; 70 bucks each. Not bad for getting rid of a bunch of crap...Going to a BBQ tonight. i bought a beautiful tunic to wear, and will bring deviled eggs with caviar and rhubarb squares which Saskia so generously made for me. Hired an intern to work with me for the summer,...

  4. Just got back from a 9 km run. Not fun with the 15 lb fanny pack I am toting thanks to what I have named my "rapid transit" diet,. This has involved eating rapidly while in transit, or, after reading your latest post, perhaps too much of what I now know is polish food.

    Today was Erika's birthday party. Much fun. Water balloons. Cake that only Cameron and Erika ate - this happens at every one of our kiddie parties - when will we learn?

    The countdown is on to our big July travels - Marion to California BY TRAIN.........AT SIX MONTHS PREGNANT..........WITH THE GIRLS!!!! And me to Oregon and Utah. I'm excited because I get to go to Eugene, the home of Nike.

    Lovin' your blogs. Miss you all. Went past the car in the alley yesterday and noticed the tires are a little deflated.............
