The usual routine is that Artemis wakes up around 430 for a little snack, then sleeps for an hour or so. Today she went back to bed at 430. Fifteen minutes later, the door slowly opened and a bicycle zoomed in. The kid is addicted to her bike. She's getting very good, and can now out do all of us on our walks (no more buggy!).
These early mornings,however, make for a long day. By the time I leave for work, Ive already been up for 5 hours.
The weather in Berlin has been uncooperative lately, cool and rainy. No more beach days.
Tomorrow April comes which will spice things up a bit. Especially since we're all sharing a bathroom!
Nemy is loving her blog and her scrap book. We are busy planning her 6th party: I think a picnic with friends in the park, maybe some soccer, and a cake. Can't make it unfortunately - no tools. I'll make one in Guelph. Im itching to exercise my culinary urges. I've been making do with very substandard fare. I'm also itching for popular culture. Realization: the illiterate cannot really consume popular culture. Give me a magazine, please! I can't remain too long in a country where Im so deaf and dumb....sure I can read books, but what I really miss is popular culture.
Im reading a diary of a woman from Berlin during the first two months of the Soviet invasion. It's all I can do to keep reading; I thought the war was bad enough. Saw pics of Berlin circa 1900 - it is unrecognizable in its splendor. The city was levelled by WW2. Im sure there were less than 10 buildings left standing.
Please bring home a bike like that for Pip! Artemi looks sooo cute. I would love to have seen Berlin before the war... well, after the war too, for that matter.Oh, are you missing out girl...popular culture is flurishing across the Atlantic!
ReplyDeleteI thought the picture was of Nemi....especially the first one.
ReplyDeleteArtemis is doing really well to be albe to ride the 2 wheeler!!
It's 2:30 a.m. and I'm totally wired on the large regular I stopped for in Leamington 3 hours ago. I have just returned from a whirlwind trip to Detroit and back (7.5 hrs round trip with minimal time lost at the border - even tho Mar was packin' about 5 litres of maple syrup) to drop Mar and the girls at a motel close to the train station at which they will board the California Zephyr't like the idea much............perhaps I can come over for an early morning bike ride with Artemis.