I swear Im going to give up baking. This was supposedly an easy day - an instant yeast bread whipped up last minute for a picnic later in the afternoon. Firstly, I run out of parchment, and foolishly used wax paper in place. Don't ever do this. It fuses with the bread and cannot be separated. Fine, so I cut off the bottom crust and it was OK. The second loaf sat out over night and I woke in the morning to find a mouse had neatly chewed a hole inside. I half expected to find him/her, but there was nothing but crumbs. I was somewhat annoyed that Y. didn't want to eat it after that ( all my hard work, yadda yadda yadda).

As fine as this was, I cannot handle commercial yeast any more. The flavour and texture just aren't satisfying.
I am at a loss of things to report as I can simply not compete with QueenMJ's posting today.
1)Start dressing better.
2)Bathe daily
3)Attempt makeup
4)Consider non-surgical cosmetic procedures
This too, after an evening where I was subjugated to Michael Ondataadje's daughter this, and Timothy Taylor that
And man, do I ever feel like a big zero.
Who subjected you to all that name dropping? Details.Mist refused to sleep in her bed last night as she found mice poo in it! what's with those perky creatures!
ReplyDeleteDon't despair M. I too cannot compete with the splendor that is Mins' life.I also think bathing daily is excessive. Lower your standards, enjoyment awaits.
ReplyDeleteI think the bread looks delicious. However I can understand Y not wanting the bread the mouse had been in.
ReplyDeleteI must have been inspired by your bread making and made 3 loaves yesterday. I used the old recipe that Jane's grandmother-in-law used about a century ago.
It was white bread and not very nutrious but man is it good!!!