Wednesday, February 4, 2009

From the crypt

I hope you've RSS'd me, because I'm back- if only to get rid of that picture that's been haunting me for 5 months.

I think that a daily writing exercise is vital. And I feel a sense of kinship with a certain microculture among bloggers: the foodie/france loving/angst filled/still tryint to find themselves types.

I know, Im getting a little too old for these peers: I don't think any of them have children. However, they mostly have great book deals or columns with national magazines, so Im game.

I don't think this will go back to being a hard core food blog. I simply don't have the time to cook that much right now. And being around food so much makes me a little loopy.

But I will attempt to fill these pages, not with the lists that litter my journal, my desktop, my life, but instead a free space to develop the interests I feel are always suppressed - never nutured with my lifestle the way it is.

So microbes: yes. Food: yes. Travel: bien sur.

Let's try this again.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're back writing again.
    I was thinking, the other day, that you used to be such a bread maker and now I never hear you speak of it. Do you miss it?
