Happy Birthday, where ever you are! I hope you're having better luck than I am with your bday cake. Im trying to make Anemone's without the aid of an oven or ANY cooking utensils. Grim.
Anemone reminds me so much of you sometimes - her fearless, relentlessly fun seeking self.
Last week , and have I mentioned Im not ready to go dammit? Germany, I have not had my way with you yet.
It is scary how I respond to the culture. Jennifer's not keen on it - she finds them too dour and peevish. She'd like to see them crack a smile once in a century. I see what she means, but I get it. I, like them, think it's insipid to walk down the street grinning. Authenticity, to me, is everything. And Germans have no problem telling you when you are pissing them off; yet there is not consequence to these bitter little exchages. If people were as free to speak their minds in Canada, there would be a lot more physical altrications. Here, there is little consequence other than general peevishness. I find North Americans too ingenuine sometimes, ie, have a great day, and all that other smiley face b.s.
Im really not in a bad mood at all, contrary to the timbre of this posting.