Monday, May 19, 2008

Grind stone

This is the only picture I have of myself hard at work. And work I have been doing, non stop since I learned of my trip this Thursday. I have been a mole in a hole. A very big hole, the New Science Complex. Alone on a long weekend in a behemoth of a building, fretting and sweating, sweating and fretting.

And my frontal lobe - I can feel it. It feels fuzzy, a bit fluffy. I can feel it when I try to think. Im cognitively impaired right now; completely unable to make decisions. There are too many variables, too many potential outcomes.

What do I do? Can't do nothing -

And this talk, does anyone really care about mycorrhizas?


  1. Not so much...but don't let that stop you from wowing all those "academics" that want to know.
