Here are my two entries in the Webkinz Olympics.
Up at four, here's a little tasting menu for you:
What will we have for supper tomorrow? Did I buy too much food? Skip exercise tomorrow, go to the gym on sunday and run on Monday. What will we have for supper on Sunday? WIll the girls go to the gym on sunday? I can't go to Banff. Why am I leaving Guelph? Im too tired. What will we have for supper tomorrow? If we eat the fish tonight, that leaves four more nights. How will I survive saturday without exercise? I ate too much.
I could go on and on ( and believe me I did). I think I'm putting this out there so that someone will see it and say dear god girl you need professional help. Check yourself into Homewood and put yourself out of that misery. Its a never ending reverie.
Nem is really out of sorts tonight. Practically chased her around the neighbourhood to get her in tonight - now she's floofing about in her room. I can't be on top of every little transgression, but I dont know how to discipline her.....